Contact SLBDC

Sri Lanka Business Development Centre

# 40/5
Dharmapala Place,
Sri Lanka.

Tel: + (94 11) 7222435
  + (94 11) 2877239

Fax: + (94 11) 2877239

Human Resource Development

The Sri Lanka Business Development Centre's human resource development activities focus on a customer oriented, demand led approach to training. We aim to achieve excellence through high quality programmes, which meet the training needs of our clients. The content and standard of these programmes vary according to the managerial level of participants.

Customer Based Training Programmes

Carried out at the request of client organisations, these are programmes designed to meet the specific human resources development needs of the organisation. If requested, a Training Needs Assessment (TNA) is carried out by SLBDC beforehand, in order to ascertain specifically which areas need to be targeted.

Following are some of the programmes conducted by SLBDC:

Bullet Training Programme on Productivity for executives and other staff
Bullet Managerial Skills Development Programme for Supervisors
Bullet Supervisory Skill Development Workshop for Technicians and Production Workers
Bullet Skills Development Programme on Interviewing Skills for Senior and Middle Level Managers
Bullet Management Orientation Training Programmes for new recruits
Bullet Enhancement of Management Competencies (EMCO)
Bullet Human Resource Management Programme
Bullet Customer Service Excellence Programme
Bullet Stress and Time Management for Middle Level Managers
Bullet Business Communication Skills Development Programme
Bullet Training Programme on Attitude Building
Bullet Workshops on Corporate/Strategic Planning

Outward Bound Training

SLBDC in collaboration with the Outward Bound Trust of Sri Lanka (OBTSL) conducts Outward Bound Training Programmes for interested parties. Successful participants are awarded with an internationally recognised certificate at the end of the programme.

The Outward Bound Trust Sri Lanka Official Web Site:

Training of Trainers Programmes

Personnel attached to government, semi-government and private institutions can avail themselves of these programmes conducted in general training methodologies and theories of adult learning.